Brain Unblocked | Episode 63: Are Momentum-Building Strategies Killing Your Business?

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If you’re an entrepreneur who has tried everything to build momentum in your business, this episode is for you.

You don’t want to miss:

The most common momentum-building advice (and why it’s keeping you stuck)

How your lack of healthy boundaries with yourself might unknowingly be making you procrastinate more

The secret to getting out of your own way that doesn’t require white-knuckling or imperfect action

PLUS, what to do if you’re ready to stop blaming your work ethic and start sitting down to work with minimal effort or self-control required so you can finally start having 6-figure work habits.

Links and resources:

Get a Daily Brain Block Buster delivered right to your inbox everyday to nudge you from Groundhog Day to Optimized AF Entrepreneur.  Subscribe for free at

Download your free body scan meditation so you can take the first step toward subcortical healing

Stuck on the Groundhog Day Drinker’s Cycle of Shame? Download the free E-book: Mistaken Moderation now at

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Brainspotting by Dr. David Grand

Email me at [email protected]



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