Brain Unblocked | Episode 61: Healthy, Sustainable Weight Loss with Rebecca Thomas

If your struggles with alcohol, procrastination or perfectionism have made it difficult for you to maintain a healthy size for your body, Rebecca Thomas has news for you.  As the founder of Not Another Diet, an effective, no-diet method for sustained weight loss and well-being, she shares some of the same frustrations with the incomplete (and often just plain bad) advice being sold on the market today.

Rebecca is a lifetime entrepreneur devoted to helping others free themselves from shame and have the life they imagine for themselves.  She’s currently focused on teaching a new and better way to think about weight and personal health.

And she’s here this week to share some of her new and better way with you.


You don’t want to miss:

  • How environmental constraints are probably playing a large role in your struggle for sustainable health habits
  • The cascade effect of a single shift in the systems of your daily life
  • Common sources of Energetic Misdirection in weight loss habits (are you struggling with any of these?)


PLUS, what you can focus on instead of the overly-hyped calories in, calories out (and no, it’s not macros either). 

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